The Wolfman (2010)
Release: February 12, 2010

When the moon is full, the legend comes to life. Benicio del Toro, and Anthony Hopkins leads; co-starring Emily Blunt, and Hugo Weaving. Joe Johnston directs from the screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker and David Self; Based on the 1941 motion picture "The Wolf Man" - original screenplay by Curt Siodmak. Produced by Scott Stuber, del Toro, Rick Yorn and Sean Daniel • Executive Producers: Bill Carraro and Ryan Kavanaugh. Music by Danny Elfman. Special Make-Up Design by Rick Baker. a Stuber Pictures production for Universal Pictures, with Relativity Media. Theatrical: Approved [#45825]/rated R for bloody horror violence and gore. Director's Cut: Not Rated. © 2010 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

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