Release: October 17, 2008

A hilarious take on the life and presidency of George W. Bush from his college life at Yale university all the way through his presidency, 9-11, to the Iraq War. Josh Brolin takes the role of America's 43rd Commander in Chief and his eventful life in the third film in the trilogy following "JFK" and "Nixon".

George W. Bush: "Whose job is it, to find these damn weapons?"
Added By: funguy10
Asian journalist: "Mr. President, what place do you think you will have in history?"
George W. Bush: "History? In history we'll all be dead!"
Added By: funguy10
Colin Powell: "So what is our real exit strategy on Iraq, Dick?"
Dick Cheney: "There is no exit. We stay."
Colin Powell: "Spoken like a true oilman."
Added By: funguy10
Dick Cheney: "You think with all your diplomatic bullshit, that you can appease Islamic fascists who are as *nuts* as Hitler. Want to know what I see, Mr. President? I see a world where, in about 25 years, America's reserves are gone. Done. Demand is up, 30-40%, and we have 2 oceans block us from the world's reserves. You think we're gonna have allies then?"
Added By: funguy10
Karl Rove: "What about that swagger in your voice?"
George W. Bush: "In Texas it's called walkin'."
Added By: funguy10
Karl Rove: "If you can't stand in front of those guys two minutes and come up with one plausible answer what the hell are we running for governor for?"
Geoge W. Bush: " Just tell me what to do, whatever it takes. Look if I need to read the whole damn Constitution I'll do it."
Added By: funguy10
Donald Rumsfeld: "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
Added By: funguy10
George W. Bush: " Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... and won't get fooled again."
Added By: funguy10
George W. Bush: "Who's ever remembered the son of a president?"
Laura Bush: "John Quincy Adams!"
George W. Bush: "Yeah, but that was like, three hundred years ago wasn't it?"
Added By: funguy10
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